Are you interested in buying a cozy city apartment in Alanya, luxury residence with sea view or an amazing villa in Alanya area? This is what you get when you join the EFP ERN family:
Professional advice about buying a property in Turkey, choosing the right property based on your wishes and the possibilities of financing it. Each of our talented staff will be happy to provide you with all the information you need.
Personal guidance during the entire purchasing process of your real estate. The best way to choose the right property in Turkey is to see for yourself and we will be happy to show you our available apartments and villas.
Full legal assistance as soon as you decide to buy one of our apartments or villas. We understand that the process of buying a property in Turkey can differ significantly from what you are used to. In addition, you may not be able to travel to Turkey for every signature you want. We can fulfill all legal requirements on your behalf.
After buying your property in Alanya, our cooperation does not stop, it only starts then. We are your right hand in Turkey and help you with everything you need, for example opening a Turkish bank account, paying electricity and water bills, insurance, furnishing your home, etc. Moreover, if you need an airport transfer arrangements to or from your holiday home or if you require a cleaning service, feel free to contact us in advance and we will arrange it for you.

Anyone who has ever been involved with real estate in Turkey knows that the Tapu is the most important document when purchasing an apartment or villa in Turkey. Slightly less known - but no less important - is the Iskan. The Iskan is actually the "residential permit" or "use permit" of the property. It's a bit of a weird expression, but that's basically what it comes down to. The Iskan means that the property has been approved by the official authorities for use as stated in the building permit. The Iskan gives permission to "use" the building, to inhabit it; and confirmed that building regulations were met, that social security charges for the construction workers were paid, and so on. One of the Iskan's objectives is to combat undeclared work; and it sometimes happens nowadays that an Iskan is not delivered because the social charges have not been paid by the construction company.
There used to be two kinds of Iskan: the Genel Iskan and the Ferdi Iskan. The Genel Iskan was a document that the property was approved by the government for use on the basis of the building permit, with the construction company expected to complete all formalities for obtaining the Iskan (and comply with all regulations). This did not mean that it actually happened… That is why it was necessary to obtain the Ferdi Iskan afterwards, a kind of identity card of the property, where the owner was supposed to fulfill the necessary formalities and prove that everything was in order. It goes without saying that this often caused problems…
The result was that for decades the Iskan was rarely checked by the government or the buyer (It was of little use since they were rarely in order anyway). This led to the rather absurd situation that almost about 70% of the buildings in Turkey did not have Iskan. This situation was convenient for both the developers and the buyers; because due to the lack of the Iskan, the cadastral value was much lower, which in itself resulted in the annual property tax being much lower. The system of a much too low cadastral value is still commonplace in Turkey, which has the advantage that you pay very little property tax.

Why is the zo Iskan so important?
Slowly but surely, the laws became stricter, the procedures tightened, and more and more conditions were imposed. This has paid off and since 2014 the construction companies are required to comply with the regulations and only one type of Iskan is issued, which is simply called Iskan. Simultaneously with the introduction of the new regulations for the general Iskan, the controls were also increased. Today it is impossible to connect to utilities such as water and electricity without Iskan. This of course means a serious stick behind the door: who would want to buy a property in Turkey without Iskan so that you cannot get water, gas or electricity?
Unfortunately, developers have not exactly lined up to apply the new regulations and there are still properties for sale in Turkey that do not comply with the regulations and therefore do not have Iskan. It is therefore of the utmost importance for yourself that when purchasing real estate in Turkey, you call on a professional broker such as EFP who thoroughly checks all documents such as the Iskan and the Tapu before including them in his portfolio. We refuse to include any property in our offer of which the official documents such as the Tapu and the Iskan are not 100% in order. We only work with reliable project developers who enjoy an excellent reputation, so that you will not be faced with surprises.

Legal advice

It may happen that you are faced with situations where it is desirable or even essential to consult a specialist who can provide you with the necessary legal advice in Turkey. In case of doubtful circumstances or if you feel that you do not have the necessary information, it is therefore worthwhile to call in external experts such as a lawyer or a civil-law notary.
After all, prevention is better than cure; and their advice can help you make the right decisions and minimize risk. After all, Turkey is still relatively unknown territory in the legal field for many Europeans and the assistance of a Dutch-speaking lawyer in Turkey can therefore be of great use in various activities and circumstances.
To name a few examples: You want to start your own business in Turkey, but you have no idea how something like this works, what the legal requirements and formalities are, what you should pay attention to, where you should be for what and so on. Or you want to buy a Turkish company but would like to have an external audit carried out first to fully screen the company so that you know that you are not buying a cat in a bag. Or you want to acquire a participation in a Turkish company and want to know about the responsibilities of the other partners, their solvency and the like. In such a case it is also useful to have an analysis drawn up by third parties.

All well and good, but who should you turn to? Who specializes in this matter? You can of course put your own people from your country of origin on the case, but the chances are small that they are aware of Turkish legislation and customs or speak the Turkish language; which is, after all, an absolute necessity to be able to carry out these types of assignments.
EFP does not employ a battery of lawyers itself – after all, we are not a law firm – but it does advise you where to go for such matters. During our many years of experience, we have assisted numerous clients in finding the right lawyer, adviser or audit firm.
We also provide advice on personal matters where you can best go, for example to conclude a marriage contract or to ensure that the division of property in the event of a divorce proceeds smoothly.
Drawing up a will regarding the inheritance of your villa or apartment in Turkey can also be very useful and save your relatives a lot of worries. Contacting competent people who can give you the right advice in such situations can prevent a lot of misery afterwards.
Just as we see it as our task to help you integrate in Turkey, we believe that this is also part of RealProinvest's services: advising you in finding the right experts who can provide you with professional legal advice. Are you looking for a Dutch-speaking lawyer in Alanaya? No problem, we will give you some addresses. Are you looking for an accounting firm specialized in financial audits in the hotel industry? We provide the appropriate contacts. Our customers can also contact us for legal advice in Turkey.

You are looking for support or care at home. At ERN, we are committed to helping everyone who needs help at home. Our aim is to let you live at home as long and happily as possible. You decide for yourself how we can support you.
We try to contribute to the happiness of our customers. In everything we do, we start from the possibilities and talents of people. Our goal is to make life as happy as possible at home for everyone. That is why we are not only concerned with the help someone needs. We also like to know what makes someone happy. Our aim is to enable our customers to continue doing the things that matter to them. Our customers decide for themselves how we can support them, so that they can continue to live at home as long and happily as possible.
ERN understands that you like to take control in order to lead your own life. We start from what you can do yourself; with the support of your informal carer, your network and possibly by using resources. The nurse will talk to you and discuss with you how we can contribute to your personal situation. ERN offers care and nursing at home with a well-trained team of healthcare professionals. You receive care from a permanent team of care providers.

Care & nursing
Could you use help with your daily personal care? Or do you need nursing help due to illness, old age or a condition? Then we are happy to help you with nursing and / or care at home. We understand that you would like to live at home as long as possible. This is certainly possible with the right care or nursing.

What you can expect from us:
If you need care or nursing at home, you can call on an expert team of carers and nurses in your area. We offer help with, for example, getting up and going to bed, showering, dressing and putting on and taking off compression stockings. Nursing care is also possible, such as administering medication, wound care, catheter care or stoma care.
Our district nurse will talk to you to see what care you need, based on what is important to you. By regularly evaluating the care with you and adjusting it if necessary, we at ERN can contribute to a life at home that is as happy as possible.
Psychological functioning
Can you use help to control feelings of fear, gloom or confusion, for example? Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.

Physical functioning
Could you use help to get a grip on your exercise, nutrition or day and night rhythm. Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.

Can you use help to get your administration in order, so that you can keep it up to date independently? Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.

Can you use help looking for other accommodation or living independently? Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.

Do you want to map together what is important to you in life and what makes you happy? Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.

Social functioning
Do you want to improve and/or maintain contacts with family, friends or authorities? Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.

Daytime activity
Could you use help finding and keeping a suitable day? Individual guidance from ERN helps you to tackle certain problems. Together you make a plan and get to work. Very practical and always based on your own possibilities.